
rubygems.org guides 翻译十一(RubyGems.org API)

  • gem

Details on interacting with RubyGems.org over HTTP.

注意:这个API is a work in progress, and can use your help! RubyGems itself and the gemcutter gem use the API to push gems, add owners, and more.


API Authorization

Some API calls require an Authorization header. To find your API key, click on your username when logged in toRubyGems.org and then click on ‘Edit Profile’. Here’s an example of using an API key:

$ curl -H 'Authorization:YOUR_API_KEY' \

Ruby Library

You can also interact with RubyGems.org using Ruby.

The gems client provides a Ruby interface to all the resources listed below. This library has full documentationthat includes some basic usage examples in the README. You can install the library with the command:

gem install gems

Gem Methods

GET - /api/v1/gems/[GEM NAME].(json|xml|yaml)

Returns some basic information about the given gem. See below an example response for the gem “rails” in JSON format:

$ curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/rails.json

  "name": "rails",
  "downloads": 7528417,
  "version": "3.2.1",
  "version_downloads": 47602,
  "authors": "David Heinemeier Hansson",
  "info": "Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer
          happiness and sustainable productivity. It encourages beautiful code
          by favoring convention over configuration.",
  "project_uri": "http://rubygems.org/gems/rails",
  "gem_uri": "http://rubygems.org/gems/rails-3.2.1.gem",
  "homepage_uri": "http://www.rubyonrails.org",
  "wiki_uri": "http://wiki.rubyonrails.org",
  "documentation_uri": "http://api.rubyonrails.org",
  "mailing_list_uri": "http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk",
  "source_code_uri": "http://github.com/rails/rails",
  "bug_tracker_uri": "http://github.com/rails/rails/issues",
  "dependencies": {
    "development": [],
    "runtime": [
        "name": "actionmailer",
        "requirements":"= 3.2.1"
        "name": "actionpack",
        "requirements": "= 3.2.1"
        "name": "activerecord",
        "requirements": "= 3.2.1"
        "name": "activeresource",
        "requirements": "= 3.2.1"
        "name": "activesupport",
        "requirements": "= 3.2.1"
        "name": "bundler",
        "requirements": "~> 1.0"
        "name": "railties",
        "requirements": "= 3.2.1"

or XML format:

$ curl http://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/rails.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <downloads type="integer">7528499</downloads>
  <version-downloads type="integer">47633</version-downloads>
  <authors>David Heinemeier Hansson</authors>
  <info>Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and
    sustainable productivity. It encourages beautiful code by favoring convention over
    <development type="array"/>
    <runtime type="array">
        <requirements>= 3.2.1</requirements>
        <requirements>= 3.2.1</requirements>
        <requirements>= 3.2.1</requirements>
        <requirements>= 3.2.1</requirements>
        <requirements>= 3.2.1</requirements>
        <requirements>~&gt; 1.0</requirements>
        <requirements>= 3.2.1</requirements>

GET - /api/v1/search.(json|xml|yaml)?query=[YOUR QUERY]

Submit a search to Gemcutter for active gems, just like a search query on the site. Returns an array of the XML or JSON representation of gems that match.

$ curl 'https://rubygems.org/api/v1/search.json?query=cucumber'

$ curl 'https://rubygems.org/api/v1/search.xml?query=cucumber'

The results are paginated so the API call will return only the first 30 matched gems. To get subsequent results, use the page query parameter until an empty reponse is received.

$ curl 'https://rubygems.org/api/v1/search.json?query=cucumber&page=2'

GET - /api/v1/gems.(json|xml|yaml)

List all gems that you own. Returns an array of the XML or JSON representation of gems you own.

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \

POST - /api/v1/gems

Submit a gem to RubyGems.org. Must post a built RubyGem in the request body.

$ curl --data-binary @gemcutter-0.2.1.gem \
       -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \

Successfully registered gem: gemcutter (0.2.1)

DELETE - /api/v1/gems/yank

Remove a gem from RubyGems.org’s index. Platform is optional.

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -d 'gem_name=bills' -d 'version=0.0.1' \
       -d 'platform=x86-darwin-10' \

Successfully yanked gem: bills (0.0.1)

PUT - /api/v1/gems/unyank

Update a previously yanked gem back into RubyGems.org’s index. Platform is optional.

$ curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -d 'gem_name=bills' -d 'version=0.0.1' \
       -d 'platform=x86-darwin-10' \

Successfully unyanked gem: bills (0.0.1)

Gem Version Methods

GET - /api/v1/versions/[GEM NAME].(json|xml|yaml)

Returns an array of gem version details like the below:

$ curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/versions/coulda.json

      "number" : "0.6.3",
      "built_at" : "2010-12-23T05:00:00Z",
      "summary" : "Test::Unit-based acceptance testing DSL",
      "downloads_count" : 175,
      "platform" : "ruby",
      "authors" : "Evan David Light",
      "description" : "Behaviour Driven Development derived from Cucumber but
                       as an internal DSL with methods for reuse",
      "prerelease" : false,

Gem Download Methods

GET - /api/v1/downloads.(json|xml|yaml)

Returns an object containing the total number of downloads on RubyGems.

$ curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/downloads.json

  "total": 461672727

GET - /api/v1/downloads/[GEM NAME]-[GEM VERSION].(json|xml|yaml)

Returns an object containing the total number of downloads for a paritcular gem as well as the total number of downloads for the specified version.

$ curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/downloads/rails_admin-0.0.0.json

  "version_downloads": 3142,
  "total_downloads": 3142

Owner Methods

### GET - /api/v1/owners/[USER HANDLE]/gems.(json|xml|yaml)

View all gems for a user. This is all the gems a user can push to.

$ curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/owners/qrush/gems.json

    "name": "factory_girl",

GET - /api/v1/gems/[GEM NAME]/owners.(json|xml|yaml)

View all owners of a gem. These users can all push to this gem.

$ curl https://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/gemcutter/owners.json

    "email": "nick@gemcutter.org"
    "email": "ddollar@gmail.com"

POST - /api/v1/gems/[GEM NAME]/owners

Add an owner to a RubyGem you own, giving that user permission to manage it.

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -F 'email=josh@technicalpickles.com' \

Owner added successfully.

DELETE - /api/v1/gems/[GEM NAME]/owners

Remove a user’s permission to manage a RubyGem you own.

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
        -d "email=josh@technicalpickles.com" \

Owner removed successfully.

WebHook Methods

GET - /api/v1/web_hooks.(json|xml|yaml)

List the webhooks registered under your account.

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \

  "all gems": [
      "url": "http://gemwhisperer.heroku.com",
      "failure_count": 1
  "rails": [
      "url": "http://example.com",
      "failure_count": 0

POST - /api/v1/web_hooks

Create a webhook. Requires two parameters: gem_name and url. Specify * for the gem_name parameter to apply the hook globally to all gems.

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -F 'gem_name=rails' -F 'url=http://example.com' \

Successfully created webhook for rails to http://example.com

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -F 'gem_name=*' -F 'url=http://example.com' \

Successfully created webhook for all gems to http://example.com

DELETE - /api/v1/web_hooks/remove

Remove a webhook. Requires two parameters: gem_name and url. Specify * for the gem_name parameter to apply the hook globally to all gems.

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -d 'gem_name=rails' -d 'url=http://example.com' \

Successfully removed webhook for rails to http://example.com

$ curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -d 'gem_name=*' -d 'url=http://example.com' \

Successfully removed webhook for all gems to http://example.com

POST - /api/v1/web_hooks/fire

Test fire a webhook. This can be used to test out an endpoint at any time, for example when you’re developing your application. Requires two parameters: gem_name and url. Specify * for the gem_name parameter to apply the hook globally to all gems.

An Authorization header is included with every fired webhook so you can be sure the request came from RubyGems.org. The value of the header is the SHA2-hashed concatenation of the gem name, the gem version and your API key.

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -F 'gem_name=rails' -F 'url=http://example.com' \

Successfully deployed webhook for rails to http://example.com

$ curl -H 'Authorization:701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97' \
       -F 'gem_name=*' -F 'url=http://example.com' \

Successfully deployed webhook for all gems to http://example.com

Activity Methods

GET - /api/v1/activity/latest

Pulls the 50 gems most recently added to RubyGems.org (for the first time). Returns an array of the XML or JSON representation of the gems.

$ curl 'https://rubygems.org/api/v1/activity/latest.json'

GET - /api/v1/activity/just_updated

Pulls the 50 most recently updated gems. Returns an array of the XML or JSON representation of the gem versions.

$ curl 'https://rubygems.org/api/v1/activity/just_updated.json'

Misc Methods

GET - /api/v1/api_key.(json|xml|yaml)

Retrieve your API key using HTTP basic auth.

$ curl -u "nick@gemcutter.org:schwwwwing" \

  "rubygems_api_key": "701243f217cdf23b1370c7b66b65ca97"

GET - /api/v1/dependencies?gems=[COMMA DELIMITED GEM NAMES]

Returns a marshalled array of hashes for all versions of given gems. Each hash contains a gem version with its dependencies making this useful for resolving dependencies.

$ ruby -ropen-uri -rpp -e \
  'pp Marshal.load(open("https://rubygems.org/api/v1/dependencies?gems=rails,thor"))'

   [["bundler", "~> 1.0"],
    ["railties", "= 3.0.3"],
    ["actionmailer", "= 3.0.3"],
    ["activeresource", "= 3.0.3"],
    ["activerecord", "= 3.0.3"],
    ["actionpack", "= 3.0.3"],
    ["activesupport", "= 3.0.3"]],
{:number=>"0.9.9", :platform=>"ruby", :dependencies=>[], :name=>"thor"}]














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    RubyGems.org(姓氏 Gemcutter) Ruby 社区的 Gem 托管。目的提供更好的 API 来处理 gems 创建更透明和可访问的项目页面使社区能够改进和增强站点链接 :#rubygems 在 Freenode 上: : :贡献请遵循我们的。 要进行...


    RubyGems.org(néeGemcutter) Ruby社区的gem主机。 目的 提供更好的API处理宝石 创建更透明,更易于访问的项目页面 使社区能够改善和增强网站 支持 由管理, 是一个社区资助的组织,通过门票和赞助为和的会议...




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    曲柄的Rubygems「Crank for Rubygems」-crx插件

    ★导航至ruby gem的GitHub或Rubygems.org页面。 在GitHub上打开'Gemfile'或'.gemspec'文件,然后单击任何gem名称。 您将被重定向到gem项目页面。 ★从上下文菜单中打开RubyGems.org中的ruby gem页面。 用鼠标突出...


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    ★导航到ruby gem的github或rubygems.org页面。 在github上打开'gemfile'或'.gemspec'文件,然后单击任何宝石名称。 您将被重定向到GEM项目页面。 ★从上下文菜单中打开RubyGems.org中的Ruby Gem页面。 在使用鼠标的...


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